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News: Indigo Podcast Named a "Best Podcast for HR Professionals"

Original article posted on January 31, 2020 and written by Ellen Rex

We are thrilled to have been discovered and named one of “The 7 Best Podcasts for HR Professionals” by Bernie Portal. You can read their review below and learn about additional fantastic podcasts for those interested in Human Resources.

The Indigo Podcast Review:

Listen: Indigo Podcast

A newer addition to the podcast space, The Indigo Podcast comes from the creators of Indigo Together. Hosts Ben Baran and Chris Everett explore the world of organizational psychology and, more specifically, how humans flourish in the workplace.
This podcast is perfect for anyone looking to get an in depth view of the “why” behind many common human resources issues.
Bonus - The Indigo Podcast episodes truly go in depth for each topic, which means each podcast is closer to an hour long. Perfect for a long commute!

Other HR Podcasts Which Made the List:

HR Party of One

Listen or watch: HR Party of One
HR Party of One is BerniePortal’s new YouTube series and podcast for HR professionals. It focuses on the Human Resources issues facing small and medium-sized employers while tackling topics like benefits, compliance, onboarding, offboarding, payroll, and more!

BerniePortal’s own HR party of one, Ryan McCostlin, taps into his experience and expertise from serving thousands of employers and their HR parties of one (or two or three) to host.

He delivers clear answers and best practices to your most pressing HR problems. Each episode provides captivating, actionable insights on topics including hiring, culture, technology, leadership and more. If you’re looking for an all-encompassing HR podcast that will help you stay up to date on industry trends, this is the perfect resource for you!

Engaging People Podcast

Listen: Engaging People Podcast
If you’re looking for something a little less technical, but nonetheless helpful, the Engaging People podcast may be for you. This podcast from employee engagement experts, DecisionWise, focuses on the “Human” part of HR. This podcast covers topics like training, employee recognition, improving company culture, engagement analytics, and employee development.

This podcast is primarily hosted by Charles Rogel, however, he is typically joined by different DecisionWise consultants so you get the benefit of hearing several different voices in one podcast!


Listen: DriveThruHR
As one of the longest running HR podcasts still available, DriveThruHR is a must-have on any podcast list for Human Resources professionals. With over 1,400 episodes, there is not much that hosts Robin, Dwane, Michael, and Crystal haven’t covered. However, their focus is HR technology, recruiting, talent management, leadership, organizational culture and strategic HR.
Bonus - DriveThruHR’s hosts are typically joined by guests from a wide range of companies and backgrounds, including some influencers within the Human Resources space.

Let's Fix Work

Listen: Let's Fix Work
According to host Laurie Ruettimann, the Let's Fix Work podcast is focused on how to “create workplace cultures that support, empower, and engage workers meaningfully”. If you are focused on learning more about workplace culture, and how to fix it, this is the best resource for you!

HR Happy Hour

Listen: HR Happy Hour
A staple among the HR community for the past decade, HR Happy Hour is the longest-running HR podcast.

HR Advisors and hosts Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane are often joined by an array of guests ranging from HR leaders to authors. They cover issues that influence HR technology, impact organizations, and drive change in the workplace.
Bonus - As the longest-running HR podcast, HR Happy Hour has a large library of episodes to listen to during your commute or throughout the workday.

Hiring On All Cylinders

Listen: Hiring On All Cylinders
If you’re looking for a resource that is focused more on recruitment, Hiring On All Cylinders is the way to go. Host Danielle Weinblatt covers all things recruitment with new industry professionals each week. She goes into everything from closing the gender gap to HR technology, and anything in between.
Hiring On All Cylinders episodes are typically around 20 minutes long, so they’re perfect if you don’t have much time but still want to advance your professional development.

BerniePortal is an all-in-one HR software solution that makes building a business & managing its people easy.